RM Bridge Modeler Help

Hambly Iteration


Areas of a cross section will be varied related to their horizontal gravity line. The aim is to vary them such way, that they lay on one horizontal gravity line.

These areas have to be defined using cross section parts. The will be split by construction lines with variable distances. The predefined function _hambly(a,b) has to be assigned to these variables to input the interval, within the variables can vary.

Recalculation ">!"

The algorithm will be executed only if "Recalculate project/evaluate formulas" is used, since only in this case the function _hambly(a,b) will be evaluated. Further, the option "Hambly iteration" (see symbol calculation: ">!") has to set. set.

  • Option "Include ß angle in calculation"
  • ON: Minimize all distances between the considered CG's and the inclined principal axis of the total cross section (resp. the hambly part).
  • OFF: Minimize the distances between the vertical coordinates to be considered and the vertical coordinate of the total cross section (resp. the hambly part).


The cross section have to be split into areas using construction lines. All elements of one area get the same part number. Each of these construction line has to be input as parallel with variable distance. Each of them gets another different variable.

The Hambly function has to be assigned the these variables in the segment point list:

var1 = _hambly(a1,b1)
var2 = _hambly(a2,b2)

So, the interval is defined within each variable can vary. The lower bound is a and the upper one is b.

If different areas of a cross section shall considered separately (User tries to find the same gravity line separately for each area.), these areas has to be input using the so- called Hambly parts. Each of these part contain all parts that have to be iterate to get the same gravity line. Hambly parts have to be input analogously to composite definitions.